Programing Tales

Ivan Naranjo

Welcome to my humble blog, a space where I intend to write about things that interest me. I have been a professional software developer for over 20 years now so a lot of what I am going to talk about is going be related to software, computers, programming languages, etc... But I am not that single dimensional and other things also interest me so they will popup from time to time.

As a note, I have been working on my own blogging system for a while now, in an effort to better understand how Markdown works and how it is parsed, you might see the effects as I work on the renderer.

I hope that what I have to tell would entertain you and at the very least mean something to you. If you want to drop me a line you can always do it at ivan at

I have some seed content that might interest you, I will be working in new posts over time and building my site as I go.